Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th!

Future clothes hound?
No fireworks for me this year...the baby just hit the sack.  At the park catercorner to our apartment though, there will be a better show than at the national mall.  DC residents are serious about their fireworks, and the baseball diamond will be explosive for around 3-4 hours tonight.  Travis had the day off today, so he was gracious enough to head up the laundry duties, and I did the floor boards, dusted, and watered the plants.  We then went to Virginia to do some shopping, where Ellie was the most social butterfly you ever saw.  I have a baby girly girl.  She oohed and aahed all over the clothes, flirted with everyone, and had a blast shopping.  OMG.  Nicole (my SIL) came over and spent the day with us, and for dinner, we had it all-american...apartment style.  Baked beans, pasta salad, watermelon, chips, and hot dogs broiled in the oven.  Trav and I topped it off with some giant freezees, and we all had a great day.

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